GPS Sebagai Asisten Penunjuk Jalan

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8 Responses

  1. huaaah. MAU KA JUGA bisa begitu! (iri)

  2. Effendy says:

    thanks ya mr. romy atas petunjuk.y, 2 minggu yg lalu dapet alat gps harga.y cm 950 rb( i2 pun di tawar-tawar hehehe :D)

    btw, mr. romy kok cuek amat?mulai dr fb ga di bales2, ym jg ga di bales2

  3. @berliana: sdh banyak koq hp yang ada GPS nya πŸ™‚
    @effendy: sowry,, lagi sibuk,, hehe πŸ™‚

  4. Effendy says:


  5. Effendy says:

    mas, SideTick itu apaan ya?
    penjelasannya dong πŸ™‚
    abis mail yg d FB g d bales2 sih πŸ™

  6. Steve says:


  7. Veronica says:

    mas, SideTick itu apaan ya?
    penjelasannya dong πŸ™‚
    abis mail yg d FB g d bales2 sih πŸ™

  8. Monica S. says:

    Hi, I’m very interested in Linux but Im a Super Newbie and I’m having trouble deciding on the right distribution for me (Havent you heard this a million times?) anyway here is my problem, I need a distribution that can switch between reading and writing in English and Japanese (Japanese Language Support) with out restarting the operating system.

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